What is EasyAR CRS

EasyAR Cloud Recognition Service (CRS) is a web - based service that harnesses the advantages of cloud computing and storage. It offers cloud - based image recognition solutions tailored for large - scale databases. With EasyAR CRS, both image retrieval and target management are provided as web services, ensuring seamless access and efficient operation.

Block Diagram of EasyAR CRS

Distinctive Features of EasyAR CRS

Offline Cache for Cloud-based Image Recognition

Targets Retrieved from the Cloud Can Be Stored Locally

Targets for Offline Application

Large-capacity Cloud Database

Each database can handle up to 100,000 targets,

delivering greater cost-effectiveness.

It can be scaled up according to users' specific requirements.

Swift and Precise Recognition

Achieve swift recognition within 0.1 seconds

Boast a remarkably high recognition accuracy of up to 98%

Efficient API

The simple and effective API simplifies development, making it more convenient for developers.

Smooth Database Management

The user-friendly graphical management interface enables effortless management of the cloud database.

Image target Rating Service

Analyze the recognition quality of image targets and their similarity to the entire database, and provide detailed reports for a comprehensive understanding.

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