EasyAR Mega
Suitability: Ideal for large-scale spaces such as rooms, shopping malls, parks, scenic spots, and towns. It is also applicable to AR navigation and the metaverse.
Mobile XR device WeChat Mini Program

EasyAR Mega offers city-scale spatial computing solutions. With its flexible acquisition strategies, stable mapping and positioning capabilities, and a user-friendly toolchain, it empowers the AR digitalization of various industries, including cultural tourism, business districts, education, and manufacturing. It enables you to showcase virtual content at any location worldwide.

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EasyAR Mega
Suitability: Ideal for large-scale spaces such as rooms, shopping malls, parks, scenic spots, and towns. It is also applicable to AR navigation and the metaverse.
Mobile XR device WeChat Mini Program

EasyAR Mega offers city-scale spatial computing solutions. With its flexible acquisition strategies, stable mapping and positioning capabilities, and a user-friendly toolchain, it empowers the AR digitalization of various industries, including cultural tourism, business districts, education, and manufacturing. It enables you to showcase virtual content at any location worldwide.

EasyAR Mega Toolbox
Develop tool on mobile phone. This tool offers functions like test data recording and on-site verification.
APP Store
EasyAR Mega Studio
Develop tool on desktop. It offers functions such as model viewing of Mega blocks, content placement assistance, and remote verification.
Manual Release Notes
EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin (pre-release version for Mega)
The Unity plugin for EasyAR Sense is essential for both developing Unity applications and remotely verifying the content effects. The pre-release version tailored for Mega emphasizes rapid iteration to support the latest Mega tracks, delivering performance and the most up-to-date features. It supplies the necessary motion tracking and motion fusion capabilities for Mega apps, and it is recommended that you always develop with the latest version.
When you are not working on Mega apps, using the final released version enables you to access more stable features.
Download(Rokid Extension)
Download(Qiyu Extension)
Download(PICO Extension)
EasyAR Mega WeChat Mini Program Plugin Demo Project
The demo of Mega's WeChat Mini Program plugin. Refer to this demo to utilize Mega's WeChat Mini Program plugin.
Other tools
We have prepared more tools specifically customized for specific usage scenarios. If you have any needs, please contact us.

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EasyAR Sense
Suitable for: images, objects, small areas around, small rooms
Mobile XR device
Previous versions

EasyAR Sense offers the essential real-world perception capabilities required for AR functionality within applications. It implements a diverse range of algorithms, supporting features such as planar image tracking, 3D object tracking, surface tracking, motion tracking, sparse spatial mapping, and dense spatial mapping.
EasyAR Sense typically to be used in combination with a 3D engine like Unity. Since EasyAR Sense is released as a dynamic library, under normal circumstances, it cannot be utilized on the web.

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EasyAR Sense
Suitable for: images, objects, small areas around, small rooms
Mobile XR device
Previous versions

EasyAR Sense offers the essential real-world perception capabilities required for AR functionality within applications. It implements a diverse range of algorithms, supporting features such as planar image tracking, 3D object tracking, surface tracking, motion tracking, sparse spatial mapping, and dense spatial mapping.
EasyAR Sense typically to be used in combination with a 3D engine like Unity. Since EasyAR Sense is released as a dynamic library, under normal circumstances, it cannot be utilized on the web.

EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin
The EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin integrates the features of EasyAR Sense into Unity as a plugin. It offers the abundant features of EasyAR Sense and provides user-friendly interfaces that are meticulously designed for Unity users. It can operate with or without AR Foundation and supports usage on XR headsets like Pico and Xreal.

Unity is a 3D development platform by Unity Technologies. When developing AR applications with EasyAR Sense, it is advisable to utilize Unity for the creation and editing of virtual content.

Download (Enterprise Edition)
Download (Samples Included)
Development Guides Release Notes
EasyAR Sense
EasyAR Sense is a standalone SDK that doesn't depend on non-system components or tools such as Unity. It offers a flexible dataflow-oriented, component-based API. This API can calculate the real-time pose of tracked objects based on images and other sensor data. The interface of EasyAR Sense is flexible enough to be integrated into most native 3D engines.

When developing AR applications with EasyAR Sense, content creation and presentation are usually accomplished via third-party 3D engines. In most cases, we recommend using the EasyAR Sense Unity Plugin to develop AR applications within the Unity environment.
The NR version has removed the features of the Recorder and VideoPlayer. If you don't utilize the screen recording function, you are required to use this version to publish your iOS app on the App Store.
Download(NR Part)
These samples employ OpenGL to provide a simple demonstration of the features of EasyAR Sense. If your content is straightforward enough, you can refer to these samples during app development. Nevertheless, directly using OpenGL is not appropriate for the development of most apps. In general, you will need to obtain a 3D engine and utilize the APIs of EasyAR Sense within that 3D engine.
Download (Windows Samples)
Download (Android Samples)
Download (iOS Samples)

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SDK Download Notice

The application developer shall guarantee to comply with applicable laws, regulations and rules where the application server, the application distribution server and end users are located. The application developer is solely liable for all loss and responsibility incurred by your failure of compliance with the applicable law, regulations, rules and relevant policies published by the application distribution platforms, including but not limited to being removed from the application distribution platforms. Please read the EasyAR Privacy Policy and EasyAR Sense Compliance Guide in full as below before using the EasyAR Platform. You confirm that, you have read and consented to all the terms and conditions to the relevant policy and guide, once you click to confirm the following options.